The current lack of blog activity has been due mainly to being laid up for the past two and a half week after surgery on my big toe. So I’m using crutches when not riding this bad boy,
please try to contain your jealousy
but at least for the time being I’m able to avail of accessible parking and seating, like at this past weekend’s New Zealand – USA rugby match:
DMV Cafés 1. Café Unido 2. The Coffee Bar (Shaw) 3. Baked & Wired 4. Dua Coffee DC 5. Northside Social (Arlington) HM (alphabetically): Kaldi Social House (Silver Spring), Lost Sock, Maketto, Swings (Alexandria), Takoma Bev Co, Vigilante (Hyattsville)
I don’t usually do an update on a post the day after putting it out, but in this case dramatic new developments warrant it.
Following up on yesterday’s post on baked goods to have with coffee, I had lunch today at Northside Social and was relieved to see what looked to be the cherry blossom pop tart in the display case. But the sign told a different tale.
Basically taking the cherry blossom version and replacing the innards with an apple pie filling. Have to admit from the name I was looking forward to a mixed apple and cherry filling, but nonetheless this was delicious. It’s basically a fantastic apple pie shrunk down to fit in your hand. Same issue of being a bit too much for dessert or accompanying a coffee, but why quibble when it tastes so good.
In a Pop Tart world where the Cherry Blossom Pop Tart never existed this would be our new king, but alas the throne eludes our Cherry Apple because as good as the filling is, it’s no match for the innards of the cherry blossom.
My sources in the café (thanks, Kelly!) tell me that the Cherry Apple is replacing the Cherry Blossom, unfortunately, and that mystery herb in the Cherry Blossom was…… basil! Huh, didn’t see that coming.
Coffee and a donut. Coffee and a danish. Coffee and a biscotti. Nothing elevates a terrific coffee, particularly after a meal, than serving it with a baked goodie. Particularly true for specialty coffees, and luckily many cafes offer a wide selection of tempting sugary goodness. If they broadcast having a pastry chef, you are really in luck. Shoutout to the affogato, but we’re talking coffee sidekicks that you can hold in one hand.
Here is one person’s ranking of the best choices to enjoy with your cappuccino/macchiato/latte/espresso/americano/etc. My faves are, naturally, weighted toward my geographic area. As always these things are purely subjective and your mileage may vary.
On vacation at the beach with my family this week. Nearest good coffee shop is 45 minutes away. Certainly not packing up the home espresso machine for the week. Don’t have any Counter Culture singles. So it’s back to making coffee a way I haven’t used regularly in three years or so, the AeroPress.
You’re in your favorite cafe, the barista making your drink is wearing a Black Keys tee shirt, and this is the song that plays on the music system? You damn well play it 21x in a row.
Hope you all enjoy some great coffee today and treat your baristas kindly.
I went this morning to what was billed as a national coffee day event featuring Counter Culture coffee at a high end mall’s food hall (looked like a food court to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). The coffee shop in the food court hall partners with Counter Culture. It was actually a small table with a serving carafe to sample the Big Trouble blend, but well worth the trip because I met the delightful Lenora of Counter Culture’s DC training center. We had a great chat about all kinds of espresso nerdery. Very glad I went.
Now I’m off to see my friends at Northside Social, as I’d feel remiss not visiting on this day.