Warren Zanes, Tom Petty’s biographer, has written a piece in Rolling Stone which captures their relationship, Zanes’ sense of less since Petty’s passing, and tells an awful lot about the kind of person Tom Petty was.
Category: miscellany
thinking about accessibility
Last week the founders of Sprudge, a coffee website* that would be a much better use of your time than reading my drivel, released a book called The New Rules of Coffee.
* they call it “Sprudge Media Network,” but to be honest it sure looks like a website to me

happy national coffee day!
Never heard of it before but why not.
It’s odd sometimes, the little details that will catch your attention. And because they are just a bit off or ring false, they strike a nerve and you blow them out of proportion. One example for me comes from Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.

it’s science!
My only reader father (hi Dad!) was kind enough to clip this column and send it to me:
Everyday Physics: How Microbubbles Make a Latte
That sounds all well and good, but all I know is that for the life of me I can’t yet figure out how to produce latte art. I’m going to have to take a class to learn.
the magical powers of coffee….
…. it can make a celebrity appear!
And this happened… #ryanneedsgrinder worked. The man himself showed up. What a good sport, a well brought up Canadian boy. We truly appreciate Ryan taking the time the time to visit us during #tiff. Take that @idriselba your loss. pic.twitter.com/8rMMWOs32J
— GrinderCoffeeGerrard (@GrinderCoffeeTO) September 11, 2018
picture of the day

spotted by a friend outside a cafe in Cape Town
random thought
There’s some kind of secret law that coffee shops must be designed to an industrial-chic aesthetic, with those in urban areas required to install a glass-paneled garage door to the sidewalk.
cupping: not as naughty as it may sound
The time I was shown just how little I know about coffee.
the confessional
I occasionally do things that are, for lack of a more elegant description, weird.
No different when it comes to coffee. Here’s an example.