Today I feel like listening to this peppy gem from Patti Smith 21x in a row.
hot new Thanksgiving special
It’s a….. uhm……. wild turkey?
I’ll get it right eventually.
still not there yet
So far my efforts at homemade latte art are not quite barista-worthy. I keep coming up with something that looks like Prince’s love symbol or other suggestive images melded into a poor copy of Edvard Munch’s The Scream. Will keep trying.

master class
This morning I returned to the Counter Culture training center in DC. It was time to learn how to make a better espresso, and (hopefully) how to make some latte art. Not to mention the attraction of getting on a La Marzocco machine I could never hope to own.

good morning!
At my favorite cafe for breakfast. Switching things up by trying the monster cappuccino.

the Salt & Pepper Diner Essential Song of the Day for 10/26
Today’s song that deserves to be played 21x in a row is from Australia, home to some of the world’s biggest coffee snobs finest people.
An absolute gem of mid ’80s goodness. No, not them. Or them. Or them. Or even her.
revisiting the AeroPress
The recent mention of the AeroPress movie got me thinking that I should give handmade coffee another whirl, as I’d been using only my espresso machine for the past several months.

water, water everywhere….
My wife and I went to the beach this weekend for an early celebration of our 25th anniversary. We’ve been to the Delaware beaches countless times, this visit to Rehoboth Beach, and we just love it out there.
………the movie? Really?
Yup! AeroPress the Movie.
I’ve been meaning to get mine out, use it again and write a review. Guess I’ve just found some inspiration to do so.
straight out of Addis
One of my few readers dear friends (hi Rob!) was recently in Africa on business, and very thoughtfully brought me a bag of coffee from the ancestral home of coffee, Ethiopia. Caffe TO.MO.CA to be specific.