Sprobot and Grindo say ‘hey’

I ran out of beans for making coffee at home over the Thanksgiving holiday. The last batch I went through was the seasonal Otoño blend from Intelligentsia, a big, bold monster with tons of flavor that produced a lot of crema. This time I wanted to get something from Heart, a terrific roaster from Portland, OR, which has become my favorite.
Not a lot of shops in the DC area carry Heart’s beans, but I knew of one which I had been meaning to try out, Colony Club in the Park View neighborhood in Washington. I had stopped in once before, but if was just after 5pm, when they stop serving coffee for the day and switch over completely to being a bar.
Continue readingYou’re in your favorite cafe, the barista making your drink is wearing a Black Keys tee shirt, and this is the song that plays on the music system? You damn well play it 21x in a row.
Let me apologize that I haven’t posted in a while. I started a new full-time job in September and it’s been keeping me very busy; other than missing my previous mornings of leisure, I absolutely love it.
But the title of this post isn’t for ghosting my blogging duties, but for a bit of foolishness on my part which kept me from enjoying great coffee. Let me explain.
Continue readingHope you all enjoy some great coffee today and treat your baristas kindly.
I went this morning to what was billed as a national coffee day event featuring Counter Culture coffee at a high end mall’s food hall (looked like a food court to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). The coffee shop in the food court hall partners with Counter Culture. It was actually a small table with a serving carafe to sample the Big Trouble blend, but well worth the trip because I met the delightful Lenora of Counter Culture’s DC training center. We had a great chat about all kinds of espresso nerdery. Very glad I went.
Now I’m off to see my friends at Northside Social, as I’d feel remiss not visiting on this day.
My son and I attended comedy star Mike Birbiglia’s show, The New One, in Washington last night. On the way out Birbiglia was at a table in the lobby, pre-selling the new book he and his wife have written. We look over and see that Birbigs is talking with his pal, comedy star John Mulaney, and Mulaney’s wife, Annamarie Tendler:
One of my favorite coffee places is Maglianero, in Burlington, VT, as I’ve discussed before. I manage to get there a couple weeks a year, and it feels special to me. So imagine my response to see this yesterday on the Instagram:
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top five preferred coffee roasters, ranked (ask me tomorrow and this list might be completely different)
Was in the Bronx this morning so of course I had to go see Anna at La Casa
RIP to Daniel Johnston. If you can get your hands on the magnificent Johnston tribute album which contains this song, do it, it’s magic. In the meantime, this is a perfect tune to put on blast 21x in a row.