Great artist. Great song. Great back story. Enjoy it 21x in a row.
Author: admin
one benefit to working from home
….. is having the chance to improve on making milk art (getting to hang out with your dog is pretty sweet, too). Because I know you’re all out there yelling “MOAR COFFEE PICS!!!!”, here’s today’s effort. Not great, but decent for a small glass with a quad shot.

Made with Wonderstate Coffee‘s Driftless blend and 2% milk.
coffee! donuts! coffee *and* donuts!!!
It should be pretty obvious that I love good coffee. I also love donuts. I’m certainly not the only one to feel this way, and definitely not the only one to love them together. Sweets balancing out a great cup of coffee is always a treat, and for whatever reason the soft and chewy mix of yeasty dough and a million tons of sugar makes for the best complement.
I thought about this when I found myself standing in a block-long line the other morning for 45 minutes in 350 F weather. I was there to buy donuts.

new toy
So I splurged on something totally unnecessary, because it looks great and is high-level nerd tech. I treated myself to the Acaia Lunar scale, which I featured in 2018 as part of my original holiday gift guide. It’s still one of the most well-regarded coffee scales available. And as expected, it’s gorgeous.

this is what passes for being social these days
Most days lately I continue the long slog toward becoming a living caricature of an old man by watching the birds who gather at our recently installed backyard feeder. We get a lot of regulars, from cardinals to blue jays to woodpeckers to mourning doves to starlings. I can watch for hours. I’ve been surprised by how much comfort and enjoyment I get from it.

If this makes me an old fart then so be it.

This week’s mail brought coffee from roasters I’ve never tried, and the first try with each was a success.
First up was an unexpected present from a friend.

I had heard recently of a new coffee company in New Jersey, LeGrand Coffee House. Not just for the coffee, I was naturally drawn by Eric LeGrand’s inspirational story. It was meaningful to receive it from my friend, a proud native of the Garden State.
Continue readingjust because you can do something doesn’t mean you *should* do it
Let me start with a little reminiscence. When I was a little kid, I would start most every day with a breakfast of Cheerios cereal in milk, along with a glass of orange juice. My still developing mind often thought, “Cheerios taste great. OJ tastes great. Cheerios and OJ would be awesome!” So once or twice I poured my juice into the cereal, and discovered that Cheerios and orange juice in the same bowl tastes awful.
My childhood stupidity came to mind recently when a friend shared a news story about, well, this:

Salt & Pepper Diner Essential Song of the Day for January 20
On this historic day, as we Americans move out of the darkness and back into the light, let’s blast this one 21x in a row
A dear friend sent this my way recently, and I couldn’t agree more.

Looking forward to the day when this becomes much more possible. Oh, and they forgot to mention one very important piece of guidance: remember to tip your barista. Generously.
Salt & Pepper Diner Essential Song of the Day for January 16
How have I gone the past 10+ years without knowing this banger of a cover song existed? I’m going to listen to it 21x in a row to start catching up.