stopping by my favorite

I was passing through New York early this morning on my way north, so of course I stopped by La Casa.

While Anna was making my macchiato I noticed some donuts on the counter that looked pretty good, but I wasn’t sure of the filling so I asked if they were chocolate or jelly. She said some were Nutella, some were creme. I said no thanks, I prefer jelly. Anna shot me a look, let me know in no uncertain terms that they were Italian, not American, and told me I should try them. All done politely but in a manner that made things quite clear I had no choice.

That creme was delicious, and my son (who was asleep in the car at the time) enjoyed the Nutella.

Anna knows what she’s talking about.

the Salt & Pepper Diner Essential Song of the Day for 9/19

Sorry not much content lately, I was traveling last weekend (I saw Anna twice!) and have been engrossed in a book. More coming soon, including (I hope) our first guest post. But for now we turn to Editors for today’s song that deserves to be played 21x in a row.

the world’s best cup of coffee

No, not the one where the beans are plucked from the poop of civet cats.  I’ve had that! Yeah, it was good, but between the cost and the unpleasant mental images that can’t be avoided…… not the world’s best.

I’m not talking about this, either.

I have something else in mind. Continue reading the world’s best cup of coffee