…..and they’re always glad you came

Cheers photo montage from GQ Magazine

One of the many benefits of frequenting independent cafes and smaller chains over the behemoths is that the warmth and sense of community you can find in those places is far better than the erzatz comfort and faux fellowship engendered by the layout of your local Starbucks.

Today I stopped to a coffee bar in DC that I had been meaning to check out for some time, and behind the counter was a barista who used to work at a shop I regularly frequent. We don’t know each other’s names, we don’t know anything about each other (other than she remembers my usual drink), but I appreciated seeing her and it seemed she appreciated being remembered from her last gig.

When it comes down to it, that’s one of the biggest reasons we choose to go out for coffee; to be remembered, to feel appreciated, and to feel like we belong to a community. To quote the opening lyrics to the Cheers theme, sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name.

So be kind to your baristas, smile, chat with them, put the tip jar to good use, and come back often.

One thought on “…..and they’re always glad you came”

  1. Beautiful sentiment Mattymacchiato;). Thank you for the reminder. This is why I go out everyday for my iced coffee..to connect with people. And I would like to challenge everyone to actually introduce themselves to their baristas, ask their names and most importantly , share that you appreciate them! …especially when during morning rush when the lines are forming behind you. You’ll quickly and organically build up to ‘how are you?.. what did you do this weekend? ..when are exams?. As I’ve moved around nyc and cafes have closed and open I’ve had Betty over making guacamole with me for a cinco de Mayo party ; Jay sharing his grandmother’s secret coquito recipe; Cassandra, Cesar on one day and Sylvia on another presenting me with a bday pastry , candle and all- singing happy birthday. As a solo traveler in Spain, there was nothing like hearing ‘Hola Karen !’ as I walked into my local cafe. I think you may have a bigger story here Matt..ijs;)

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