See my Denver field report
Pablo’s has been around forever and was on the vanguard of Denver’s coffee scene. It’s pretty clear from their website that these people are serious about their coffee, but the feeling in the cafe is a very accessible neighborhood joint.
A variety of beans, which they roast themselves, is available for retail sale and kept in large glass jars. The espresso blend is something they are continuously fiddling with, depending on what is recently in stock and fine-tuning the blend.

The feeling in this shop in Denver’s Capitol Hill is a bit industrial, but not in an off-putting way. More as if a small garage (no glass pull up garage door, thankfully) recently went under and a couple folks from the neighborhood started using the empty space. Reading the website reveals the true story, which is Pablo’s took over the site from a cafe and spent some time on a thoughtful renovation. The space feels more authentic than poseur (at risk of sounding like a poseur myself).

The drink itself? Tremendous. Complex, with a strong flavor from the coffee balanced by the sweetness from the milk. One of the best combinations I’ve found of a nice crema incorporating properly frothed milk. I mean, just look at that beauty. Prepared on a La Marzocco PV AVB.

I would gladly put this macchiato up against anyone’s.
Pablo’s Coffee
1300 Pennsylvania St #102, Capitol Hill, Denver
also at E. Colfax and 6th & Washington