See my Denver field report
This small cafe in LoDo has a very high end, Scandinavian aesthetic. All the finishes feel expensive and cold. Gleaming white laminates, marble, wood in various shades, everything spare, the lighting is just so. I felt like I should have been much taller, much thinner, much blonder, wearing a turtleneck and plain, wire-rimmed glasses, not smiling because life is suffering and my turtleneck is very itchy and Ingmar Bergman is filming me in achingly beautiful yet incredibly depressing black and white.
Or something.

Your coffee is prepared on a gorgeous white La Marzocco Strada that looks very much at home here. The beans are from Middle State, a very well reputed Denver roaster.
My drink was very good and very strong, though it had a very pronounced chalky finish that was hard to ignore. Beautifully presented on a wooden plank with a small glass of seltzer and a demitasse spoon.

The cafe is particularly known for its pour overs. There are a couple of tables outside, if you’re not feeling ascetic enough to sit inside, though the lovely wooden ceiling from the cafe continues outside the shop so you don’t forget where you are.

Little Owl Coffee
1555 Blake Street, Denver