It’s not hard to find unique coffee beverages, most every café comes up with hot and cold drinks matching coffee with various flavors. I’ve never been one to get flavored syrup in my drinks, and other than the capuorange, I usually give the special creations a pass in favor of old reliables.
I stopped by The Coffee Bar‘s Shaw location recently, and while waiting for my turn at the register took a gander at the menu board.

Hey, look, signature drinks.

Both looked interesting, so I decided to give them a try. Ordered an Americola and a Honey Badger, grabbed a bar stool, and in a few minutes I had a couple mason jars in front of me.

The Americola (coke with an espresso float) didn’t do much for me. Much like the thankfully discontinued Coke with Coffee, it demonstrated that the two flavors don’t necessarily go well together. Drinking with a straw, it tasted like punishment. It was a little better without the straw, but the overall taste was, to me, like a Chinese food sauce with a really bitter finish.
The Honey Badger (four shots of espresso, honey, half and half, shaken cold) was a different story. It was creamy, refreshing and smooth, sweet without being too sweet. Despite the quad shot, the flavor wasn’t dominated by coffee. It’s good that it was a smaller serving because the half and half makes it a bit heavy, I might have preferred an even smaller portion. But overall this one was a winner.
I’m not a convert to the special concoctions, but feel a bit more willing to give them a try when they look worth a taste.
Good write up Matty. Hugs xojo