….you discover good coffee less than a block away from your office.

Somehow or another, for the past two years I totally missed that there was decent coffee available near my work. The bar at DC’s Hotel Hive is a trendy spot for drinks, but I had not realized it also has an espresso maker going from 7am onward every day. Featuring beans from Vigilante Coffee, it’s admittedly not the best-made cup ever. However, the proximity and the quality of the beans carry the day.
Smart move is to go with what I lovingly refer to as the Zina – a double espresso with steamed milk on the side. I named it after a treasured former colleague, who always ordered her coffee this way as a hedge against baristas of varying levels of competence.
It’s a delightful space. Exposed brick walls, marble bar and tabletops, artful design, and a cozy circular nook in the corner.

Hive Bar
Hotel Hive
2224 F Street, NW
Washington, DC